Global warming paragraph for ssc and hsc

The long-term rise in the average temperature of the earths’ climate system is called global warming. In recent years, there have been many alarming reports that the world’s climate is undergoing profound changes.

All these reports provide strong evidence that the global temperature is increasing day by day. This increase is known as global warming. Global warming is caused by an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide around the earth.

Most climate scientists believe the greenhouse effect is the most likely cause of this global warming. Climatologists predict that by the middle of the next century the temperature could rise by 4°C.

This could catastrophically reduce humanity’s ability to grow food, destroy or severely damage wildlife and wilderness, raise sea levels and thus inundate coastal areas and farmland.

The alarming news about Bangladesh is that due to rising sea levels, the lower southern part of the country could one day be flooded.

The main culprits of global warming are carbon dioxide produced by the burning of fossil fuels and forests, as well as pollutants such as methane and chlorofluorocarbons. We can prevent this if we are careful and raise public awareness.

Paragraph:- Air pollution paragraph

Global warming paragraph for hsc

Worldwide warming is a basic and squeezing issue that comes about from the increment in Earth’s normal surface temperature due to the buildup of nursery gasses in the environment. These gasses, basically carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, are discharged through human exercises such as burning fossil fills, deforestation, and mechanical forms. As these gasses collect, they trap warm from the sun, making a nursery impact that warms the planet.

The results of worldwide warming are far-reaching and significant. Rising temperatures lead to dissolving ice caps and ice sheets, contributing to ocean level rise and undermining coastal communities with expanded flooding and disintegration. Extraordinary climate occasions, such as tropical storms, heatwaves, and dry spells, are getting to be more visit and extreme, disturbing environments and human vocations. Also, worldwide warming influences agribusiness by changing developing seasons and decreasing trim yields, which can lead to nourishment deficiencies and expanded prices.

Addressing worldwide warming requires critical and facilitated activity at both national and universal levels. Transitioning to renewable vitality sources, moving forward vitality proficiency, and securing woodlands are basic steps in diminishing nursery gas outflows. Besides, raising open mindfulness and cultivating a culture of maintainability can drive collective activity towards moderating the impacts of worldwide warming. By taking comprehensive and quick measures, we can work towards stabilizing the climate and securing a maintainable future for all.

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