Rivers of Bangladesh composition

Introduction: Bangladesh is a country of rivers. Bangladesh’s health, wealth and happiness depend mainly on its rivers. There are many big and small rivers. Padma, Meghna, Jamuna are big and wide rivers. Buriganga, Sitalakshya, Dhaleswari, Teesta, Madhumati, Gumati and Karnafuli are small rivers. Most of the rivers of our country originate in the Himalayas and fall into the Bay of Bengal.

Importance to our agriculture: Rivers are the source of our wealth. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Agricultural prosperity depends on rivers. These rivers made the land fertile. So rice, jute, tea and other crops grow here in abundance.

Source of fish: Our rivers are full of fish. Fish are important wealth. Our fishermen catch a huge amount of fish and export it abroad. So they earn a lot of foreign exchange. Fish is our main food.

Important channels of communication: The rivers of our country are the main means of communication. Ships, boats and steamers ply these rivers in all seasons. Men and goods are transported from one city to another, from one part to another across the river. All this is only possible for river communication.

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Significance in trade, commerce and industry: Most of the cities, towns, industries, hats, bazaars, trade centers are situated on the banks of rivers. The products of mills, factories and industries are easily transferred to various shops, commerce and industries. places across rivers. Raw materials from far and near can be easily transported to our industries. This is how our rivers help us

Source of energy and electricity: Some of our rivers are sources of energy. This energy helps our industry. electricity problem. Some of the rivers are used to generate electricity. Goalpara and Karnafuli hydroelectric power stations are used for the solution

Influence of rivers on people: Rivers have a great influence on people in our country. We love addiction to rivers. the river, its water and music. Rivers have made us emotional and sentimental. Much of our joy and happiness

Influence on Art and Literature: Rivers have influenced many of our writers and poets. Many rivers found expression in the writings of Rabindranath Tagore, Kazi Nazrul Islam, Michael Modhusudhan and Jasimuddin. Some of the Bengali novels were named after our rivers: Padma Nadir Manjhi and Padma Promatta. Our artists and painters like Joynul Abedin have been greatly influenced by our rivers. Shari, Bhatiali and Murshidi are an expression of our village people’s love for rivers.

Demerits: Rivers sometimes cause great damage to our life and property. During the rainy season, rivers overflow their banks and cause floods. People are suffering untold suffering. wealth, health and happiness. Conclusion: Even if rivers harm us a little, they are useful to us in many ways.

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