About your aim in life dialogue for class 8, ssc and hsc

Suppose, you are . You have just completed your ssc examination. Now write a dialogue between you and your father about your future plan and career.

Ans: A dialogue between father and Rakib about career:

Father: I am very glad that you have done well in the exam. But here is a parting of the ways. You must decide which way you will proceed now.

Rakib : Yes, I will do according to your advice.

Father : But I want to know your plan first.

Rakib : I want to be a doctor, if you agree.

Father : Yes, it is a very noble profession (মহৎ পেশা) . But have you thought (ভাবনা) about the hard work it takes?

Rakib: Yes, father, I will consider no work too hard for me in a profession that offers me so ample opportunities for doing good to others.

Father: That is very good. I agree with you whole heartedly. But I advise you to read very carefully for later course of study.

Myself: Yes, father. I shall study science in a college and then try my best to get admitted in a medical college to study there.

Father : Well, go ahead my boy! Allah will be with you.

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