A Dialogue between two friends about the importance of tree plantation
Rakib: Hello there Maruf! Where’re you going?
Maruf: Im going to go to the tree ranch programine
Rakib: Truly! I must appreciate you You must know how much trees are critical for us.
Maruf : Of course, they supply the fuel of our life, that is, oxygen
Rakib Precisely! You know, they too retain carbon dioxide.
Maruf: Right! They are the primary sources of food.
Rakib : Tree keeps our biological adjust, ensures stream disintegration, and gives sheds to our mammoths and birds
Maruf : They allow us shade and what is more vital is that they avoid characteristic calamities
Rakib : Right and in a word, tree ranch is a must for our survival.
Maruf; Definnely! Once more, Bangladesh is one of the most noticeably awful sufferers of climate alter. So, we have na other way but planting more and more trees.
Rakib I concur concur with you Additionally, for furniture, fuel and medication, etc, we depend on trees.
Rakib; Precisely. Let’s go to the programme!
Maruf: Let’s go! Assume